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Studying on the Grass

For Middle and High School Students

Teen Entrepreneur Virtual Summer Programs

Silicon Beach Virtual Entrepreneurship & Pitch Competition

InVisions Social Entrepreneurship and National Eye Health Fair Pitch Competition

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High School Teen Entrepreneur Summer Camp

From Think Tank to Shark Tank
Join us and Create and Pitch your Business!
Now enrolling teens 14-18 years old

Entrepreneurship is a proven way to ignite a teen’s creativity, curiosity, and innovative spirit. Register today for an activity-based summer program that builds life, academic, and personal skills while helping teens to ideate and create a business and pitch. 

Working on a Computer

The Silicon Beach Virtual Entrepreneurship Program

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The Silicon Beach Virtual Entrepreneurship Program allows teens to focus on the community around them and ideate a product or service that could be a general benefit to society.


Winter 2023

Starting Saturday, January 14

MeetTwo weeks, meets daily from 

1pm - 5pm PST daily on Zoom

Program Fee: $750 Early Bird: $600


Enter the coupon code below during checkout to receive your early bird discount!

Coupon Code: 


Upon successful completion, students will receive a Certificate of Accomplishment, and an excellent experience to refer to on college admission essays and applications!

InVisions Social Entrepreneurship Program

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InVisions Social Entrepreneurship Program, in partnership with the Fox Family Foundation, will provide teens the opportunity to focus on ideating a business solution for blind and visually-impaired (BVI) individuals. 


Session 1:  August 1-12 

Two weeks, meets daily from 

10:00AM - 2:00PM PST on Zoom

Program Fee: $250 Early Bird: $200


Session 2: Flexible Schedule 

Available after August 7

Students will gain access to 10 recorded sessions covering all of the course content. Perfect for busy teens, or those who don't like to Zoom with cameras on.


Program Fee: No Charge


Upon successful completion, students will receive a Certificate of Accomplishment, registration into the Competition, experience leading with emapthy, and learning to work with diverse communities as they develop an inclusive mindset. Now that's something that would knock the sox of a college admissions rep! 

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The Entrepreneurship Summer Program Gets Teens to Solve Problems
Through the Creation of a Product or Service.

Students will present their start-ups to parents, family members and the community on the last day of the program competition style, with members of the winning pitch awarded medal lanyards. Please save the date!


Upon successful completion, students will receive a Certificate of Accomplishment, and an excellent experience to refer to on college admission essays and applications!


Summer participants are invited to compete in Project ECHO's High School Entrepreneurs' Business Plan Competition that takes place in May. Please note that students will be required to further develop a written business plan to be competitive.

Utilizing design thinking, the core entrepreneurship curriculum will lead students through entrepreneurship as building an asset for one’s community.
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This program will provide a solid foundation for students to ideate, create and pitch a start-up.


The program will cover:


  • Business concepts and development: Introducing students to for-profit, not-for-profit, and intrapreneurship

  • ​Ideation: What's a problem in your community and what product or service can be created to solve it?

  • Industry and market analysis: Identifying target markets and segments

  • Competitive analysis: Conducting online research and analyzing a competitor grid

  • Marketing: Determining price points for goods sold, identifying one’s value proposition

  • Product or service development: Prototyping one’s product or service

  • Financial plan: start-up costs, expenses, break even points and profit margins

  • Communications: Writing an executive summary, creating a fast pitch, problem-solving with peers

  • ​Presentation skills: Creating a 7-10 slide presentation and narrating the information precisely

  • Critical thinking: Learning to take feedback in a positive manner and turn it into gold

  • Teamwork and peer support: Working with and supporting others as they develop their business



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